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Why Hosting Pop-Up Shops is a Great Opportunity for Art Galleries

With the increasing popularity of pop-up shops, art galleries profit from renting out their turnkey spaces to brands – often with readily available Wi-fi, heat, air-conditioning and restrooms.

Here are some of the reasons why hosting pop-up shops is a great opportunity for art galleries:

Grow the brand and extend the audience of your gallery by offering a brand or a designer a stage for its pop-up shop:

On one hand, the popularity of a renowned art gallery helps a brand reach a big audience and grow its following. On the other hand, associating with cool and hip brands adds to the brand awareness of the gallery and helps attract new visitors and potential customers. It might even make sense to host a pop-up during an exhibition to intentionally associate an artist’s work with a brand to generate cross-sales.

Use between exhibitions to generate income and reduce costs.

If there is no ongoing exhibition, you can rent out your space to generate additional income in form of rent income. You can then use this income to further your gallery and to reduce costs during low-season.

Art galleries are like a blank canvas for brands.

Art galleries can be a great choice for a pop-up shop. Their white walls and high quality floors and fixtures are aesthetically appealing and designed to make the featured art stand out. Therefore they can help brands and products to have the same effect on visitors and customers. Art galleries are turnkey space that perfectly serve as a blank canvas where a brand can be transformed into a physical space, free from hiccups that you might come across in other spaces.

Keep footfall high during low-season.

Hosting a pop-up shop can also simply serve the purpose of keeping foot traffic high at your location. Pop-up Shops come in different shapes and forms. If you want the foot traffic at your location to stay strong, make sure to host a either a concept shop, product launch or sale by a brand with strong marketing and the power to attract foot traffic.

A Single Pop-Up Shop Can Grow into a partnership.

Hosting pop-up shops gives your gallery the opportunity to work with different local or international brands and partners. Partnering with local, national and international artists, retailers or brands will get your name out in front of a new audience. These initial relationships could also grow into long-lasting partnerships that scale bigger than a single pop-up.